Consumer Branded Products

Providing your family with nutrition is now easy.Indomilk provides you all the nutritious goodness in various delicious flavors and product types, to keep your family going.

Cap Enak

Cap Enaak is just the right choice if you’re looking for a delicious condensed. Full of goodness and nutrition with its distinctive taste, it appeals to everyone. For years, children to adults have enjoyed it,

Tiga Sapi

TIGA SAPI sweetened condensed creamer gives you goodness and extra calcium, Vitamin A, B1 and D3 in a rich delicious taste … suitable to be used as a topping for desserts and drinks. Great with coffee and tea. TIGA SAPI makes your food and drinks more delicious.


KREMER comes with milky goodness and extra calcium in a rich delicious taste. KREMER sweetened condensed creamer is suitable for special toppings in your family’s desserts and drinks. With KREMER, everything will become more tasty and delicious.

Orchid Butter

Made from pure milk fat, Orchid Butter has an extra delicious taste enriched with vitamins A & E. Suitable for cakes, bread, biscuits, or any of your favorite recipes.

Indofood Icecream

Indoeskrim can be your friend to help change a gloomy day into a bright one, liven up your party, or cool you down on a hot sunny day in a healthy way.
There will always be an Indoeskrim for any occasion. So make sure you always have Indoeskrim ready in your fridge.


Milkuat is a healthy drink made by milk and multivitamins also minerals to support children growth.