The Agribusiness Group is a vertically integrated group in Indonesia. Its principal activities cover the entire supply chain from research and development (R&D), seed breeding, oil palm cultivation and milling, to the manufacturing and marketing of cooking oils, margarine and shortening. The Group also engages in the cultivation of sugar cane, rubber, and other crops as part of its diversified operations.

The Plantation Division manages more than 300,000 hectares of plantations in Indonesia and operates 27 palm oil mills, three crumb rubber processing facilities, two sheet rubber processing facilities, two sugar mills/refineries, one cocoa factory and one tea factory.
The Plantation Division has two R&D centers which conduct extensive R&D to improve performance in various areas, including crop yield, crop resilience, pest and disease control and estate management practices.
The EOF Division operates five CPO refineries in Indonesia. It also manufactures and markets the downstream products, which include branded consumer and industrial cooking oils, margarine and shortening.
The consumer products are sold under leading brands like Bimoli, Bimoli Spesial, Delima, Happy, Palmia, Royal Palmia and Amanda. The industrial products are sold to Indofood Group and other food manufacturers, including bakeries and confectioneries.