Ensuring Traceability and Transparency

Traceability is the means to identify and trace the processes, distribution and location history of production, components, and materials used in each product.

All our finished products can be traced back to their original production line. Commodities such as potato, fresh chili, and milk can be traced to the group of farmers or cooperative that produced them. Wheat supplies for Bogasari Group are traceable to their country of origin.

In our Agribusiness Group, we commit to building a traceable and transparent supply chain which includes smallholders and third-party suppliers. Each seed is stamped and barcoded to provide assurance of traceability. Every ton of palm oil can be traced to the company, plantation and mill (address and geo-coordinates), nucleus or plasma, and includes village cooperative (Koperasi Unit Desa) data, refinery dispatch number, and certification status.

Since 2014, our CBP Group has used an online monitoring system, Agriculture System (ARES), to enhance the traceability of potatoes used in our production. Potato seeds can be mapped back to the farmer cooperatives and farmer groups; the ARES monitors and records the characteristics of the planting progress, harvesting, and delivery of the potatoes to the cooperatives. Potatoes delivered to the factories can be traced using the delivery order. Since 2018, we have also extended ARES to chili.