Malnutrition is one of the top risk factors for diet-related noncommunicable diseases. Indofood is committed to help alleviating this issue by improving communities’ and consumers’ nutrition through education and advocacy as well as caring for our employees through our Workforce Nutrition program.
- See our Sustainability Report for more details on community development activities under nutrition for all
Integrated Health Post
Integrated Health Post (Pos Pelayanan Terpadu or Posyandu) program is a key element of our healthcare service that focuses on preventing illness and promoting education within communities. We support health posts in Indonesia in partnership with the Government to address national health concerns:
- Malnutrition among 5-year-old children
- Chronic energy deficiency in pregnant women
- Incidences of low birth weight among newborns
We are proud that this program has evolved into one of our leading community development efforts, particularly for infants, toddlers, pregnant women, and nursing mothers.
Indofood Nutrition Care
The First 1,000 Days of Life are critical to building a baby’s nutritional foundation. Established in 2009, the Indofood Nutrition Care program educates pregnant and nursing mothers on the importance of proper nutritional intake, from pregnancy to their first 1,000 days of life. Health workers visit communities in mobile clinics and are equipped with fetal monitoring equipment (doppler) and impart nutritional education to pregnant and lactating mothers.
Health Education for Female Students in Islamic Boarding School
As part of our commitment to encouraging healthy lifestyles and promoting the importance of understanding diet and nutritional requirements, Indofood has established an educational program on health and nutrition for senior high school female students from the Pondok Pesantren Gontor, an Islamic Boarding School in East Java. The program focuses on adolescents and is made available to students in the Pondok Pesantren as they have limited access to information through the internet. The goal is to prepare the students, as prospective mothers, so that they can prepare for healthy pregnancies and raise healthy children.